Saturday, May 19, 2012

WKU Controversy: Art or Attack?

Posted by GCA students "J.P.G.", "H.M.C.", "A.K.B", "K.M.I.", "J.T.R.", and "O.R.P."

        Once again we have another attack on Christianity under the excuse that it is “art”. Elaina Smith, an art student at Western Kentucky University, was caught placing condoms on crosses that were set up on campus to represent the number of abortions that happened in a day. Smith s assignment was to create an art exhibit.

       Is placing condoms on some other student's project count as an exhibit? Some art students think that it is art because it is expresses opinions and draws emotion; on the other hand, art students do not think it takes much artistic talent to do what Smith did. Where should the line be drawn between freedom of expression and infringing on another's expression. The art teacher at WKU did not discourage what Smith did, but rather encouraged her. The President, Gary Ransdell, claimed that Elaina apologized, but Elaina claimed otherwise to the media.*

       What constitutes placing condoms on someone else's exhibit as one's own exhibit? Should Smith receive a grade for her own freedom of expression impending on someone else's project or should she create her own project. One must ask themselves; had condoms been placed on a Buddhist or Muslim symbol would the outcry for justice been louder. This was not an art project but an attack against Christianity.

*BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY, April 25, 2012, ( – The student who placed condoms over 3,700 crosses at Western Kentucky University as part of an “art project,” has told the media she has not apologized for the desecration, as university president Gary Ransdell publicly claimed she had done. The girl’s art professor has also admitted she approved the vandalism.

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