Saturday, May 19, 2012

Is President Obama an Avenger?

Posted by GCA student "C.S."

                President Obama has officially declared that his position of homosexual rights has “evolved” to the point that he now believes homosexual couples should have the right to marry. This has put the American church in a unique situation. How should the church respond? Should we make signs that read along the lines of “Pray Away the Gay” or “God Created Adam and Eve, not Steve” and protest outside the White House and Capitol Building? Should we obey the call for tolerance from this culture and just let them be “happy?” Should our pulpits be silent on the issue? Should they only preach God’s love for homosexuals? God forbid. In all four possibilities, Christ would not be glorified and the church would not be preparing the world for His soon-coming return. So, what do we do?

                First, we must speak out in defense of the Bible’s position on homosexuality. To summarize our “Response to Homosexuality and Gay Adoption,” the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin. It does this by directly addressing it in 1 Corinthians 6 and Romans 1. It also does this by showing God’s plan for the family before sin entered into the world. In Genesis, God created man and woman to work the garden and multiply to fill the earth. There is no doubt about the clarity of Scripture regarding homosexual sin. We, the bride of Christ, must defend the truth He has revealed to us in Scripture. We must be willing to step into academia and defend the logic of God. Silence can no longer be our response.

                Second, we must reach out to homosexuals with the Gospel of Christ. We have the life-changing news that Jesus has come to this world to redeem us from our sin! We cannot afford to be labeled as homophobic when we are called to be salt and light. Christ has called us to be friends to homosexuals. We cannot condone their sin, but we must show them the love of Christ. Do not be quick to forget about our state before Christ changed us. We were enemies of the cross who were slaves to sin. We were hopeless. The same Jesus that died for us, died for them as well. Let us reach out to the homosexual community like never before in the history of the church!

                Third, we must honor and respect President Obama. Although, as the church, we should not agree with his position, we cannot think of him in hate or wish terrible things upon him. Romans 13:1 reads, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Scripture makes it clear that God has placed President Obama in authority. Romans 13 continues to say that whoever rebels against authorities rebels against what God has instituted and is bringing judgment on himself. We respond to the President the same way we do homosexuals- with love. We are called to obey the government as long as it is not forcing us to do something that is against God’s commands. Can we show our disapproval of the President’s decision? Of course we can and should, but our response must be seasoned with the love of Christ.

               President Obama clearly does not hold the conservative views of an orthodox Christian, and he has done many things that hinder the church. Why is this? I believe Romans 13:3-4 holds that answer. “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” As a nation, we have clearly done wrong in the eyes of God. We watch millions of lives be murdered year after year in the horrid act of abortion. We watch doctors end the lives of our elderly and helpless with an injection. We silently watch men take advantage of women in ways unthinkable through sex trade. We buy luxurious items just to play with while millions of people die of starvation and unclean drinking water around the world. Need I go any further? President Obama is being sovereignly used by God to give us as a people what we deserve. He is clearly one of God’s avengers who carry out His wrath.

              The American church must lead our nation to fall to her knees in desperate repentance to the holy God if we want this judgment to end. We must have a voice and it must be loud. We must have hands that serve the oppressed and helpless. We must have feet that run to the lost with the Gospel. We must teach children to seek God instead of the American dream. We must lead in the repentance of our dear country. President Obama is leading our country farther away from biblical principles, and it might just be our fault.

                Although our situation might seem hopeless, we know God hears our prayers. Our hope must be in Christ and Christ alone. He can heal our nation. As we speak up about the Bible’s stance on homosexuality, share the Gospel with homosexuals, respect our President, and repent of our sin, God will be faithful to us. He will not forsake His church in America. We must draw near unto God, and He will draw near unto us. Church, let us make a difference. Church, let us respond powerfully in love! Praise be to God for preserving this nation thus far, and may He continue to do so with His providential power.

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